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(760) 219- 2948

Office Hours 8 A.M. - 6 P.M. Monday - Friday

Pick Ups By appt. only

Kidz Unlimited Location

Supporting the power of human potential

Kidz Unlimited believes that all children deserve the skills and opportunities to reach their fullest potential, regardless of economic, social and cultural barriers.  Beginning in our home city we intend to help break the cycle of poverty through education, mentor-ship and enrichment programs that empower kids to succeed.


Leading by Example

We believe that we are called to teach our values by living them. All our interactions will be to reinforce these commitments. We are committed to a culture of respect. All children will be respected by Kids Unlimited, and the children will be taught to give that same respect to their peers, leaders and the world at large.


Kidz Unlimited as a Family

We view our staff and volunteers as surrogate family members, that interact and assist OUR chidren with the amazing programs that we are offering. They will love, encourage, train and nurture our children. This includes mentoring, providing an array of enriching activities and field trips that will help them stretch their abilities and realize their potential.


Program features include:

  • Supportive services (clothing, tokens etc.)

  • One-on-one attention and positive adult role models

  • Mentor-ship

  • Values education and social skills

  • Internal and external resources

  • Field trips to expose students to new cultural and professional opportunities

  • Family activities

  • Case Management


Core Focus

Our programs focus on three core areas of childhood development:

  • Academics: Education is a vital key to success

  • Character Development: Including values education, teaching the importance of playing active roles in their community, and offering a positive perspective of society as a whole.

  • Self-Discipline: Leading children to the realization that they alone control their actions, and to help them each understand that they have the self-confidence and ability to succeed at whatever they desire.





 Our Mission


Kidz Unlimited commits to offering children in under-served areas the opportunities they need to reach their fullest potential. We will do this by helping children develop the necessary academic and social tools, along with a strong sense of values and character, within an atmosphere of love and nurturing. The main principles of Kidz Unlimited are: academics, character development and self-discipline along with building a healthy sense of self esteem. By being in the community, we are able to identify the needs of the children that we want to reach. As a result, our staff and volunteers can be mega assets in helping OUR children.




My name is Deborah Bakaimani and I am the C.E.O. of Kidz Unlimited. I have over two decades expierience working with children in so many different areas from teaching to caregiving and case management.  Children are where my heart is.  This foundation is just a small way to put some much needed smiles on the faces of children and families that we come in contact with. We work with children and thier families to get them on track with educational goals,  community resources, extra curricular activities, college bound programs, parenting classes and so much more.  We work  hard to get OUR chidren the best resources in our community.  OUR children can and will succeed with the help of Kidz Unlimited and  you!


What we do is work with homeless children and foster children in conjunction with their families to assist with clothing , shoes, hygiene kits, mentor-ship, field trips and more.


We have a unique service for our biological parents with chidren in the foster care system. What we do is provide parents in need with necsessities such beds, bedding ,clothing, dressers, food and more, to ensure placement of their children the home. This is a very exciting endeavor and we would love for you to be a part of it.




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